*jump* GUESS *jump* WHO *jump* JUST *jump* FINISHED *jump* SUMMER SCHOOL!?!?!?!?!? *SCREAMS* ME!!!!!!!!!!! Yes! Yes! Yes! Moi!!!!! lol...now what do i do w/ the rest of my summer? ;P ahh, time for some sleep in, swimming, babysitting, cleaning, tv, movies, friends, shopping, travelling...this is what i want to do for the rest of my summer vacation...EGAD!!! I'm done summer school! EEEeeeeeeeeeeee! ;P Yeah *huff puff*...survived through it...wow...haha...what an accomplishment...yes, yes, yes...;P Now, the schedule for the rest of the week...approx. 1-5pm: Jen's pool party, 5:30pm: call Jaz?, 6pm: Jeremiah Committee meeting, Fri 6:30-9pm: Beach volleyball??, do something w/ Andrea...help Grandma clean her house...haha...which means that i need to bus over to Orleans...hrmmmm, oh well, and finish writing all those letters to ppl at camp. Not bad, not bad...yippee ;P....*whisper*...did you know that i am finished summer school? *laugh*...*sighs* You know, life is complicated...*big sigh*, but you know what? I know i will survive...because i have Jesus w/ me...I can do all things through Him, whom i trust w/ my heart, mind, and spirit. I do not need to worry, He will always be there for me, *smiles*...God is good. And even though it may be hard at times, i know that God's plan and timing is always the best. Haha, i tell ya...it will take some miracle for me to find a good cb in this world...*laugh*...fathers and their bats. ;P Hopefully there is someone out there who is not merely a fly, but an eagle, who will let me soar through the sky on his wings, and swim to the depths of the sea for me.
9:05 p.m.
TWO MORE DAYS!!!! *lol*...starting to feel a bit light-headed...chachachacha-cha-cha chachachacha-cha-cha...;P *starting to feel relieved*...*singing*, i am a survivor, i am a survivor...ahahaha...:D *ahem*...now...for studying...:) lotsa fun i tell ya, g2g, catch some zzz's and need to finish up my studying...wish me good luck...;P i know You will be there...You are always there for me...my Best Friend for eternity...*sigh*...feeling content..."A friend is one to whom one may pour out all the contents of one's heart, chaf and grain together, knowing that the gentlest of hands will take and sift it, keep what is worth keeping, and with a breath of kindness, blow the rest away." Anonymous God will always be my Best Friend and Rock...love Him with my heart...always. Do not worry about tomorrow for tomorrow will soon come and take care of itself...know that I am with you always, i will always provide what you need...*sigh*...lovely words aren't they? Recognize them? :) Love, love, love, love- so pure and great is His Love. I need a friend's love, not a boy's love...i am content...for now.
11:35 p.m.
Bible study...hrmmm...some ppl falling asleep...not good...haha...Glad i went to the adult Sunday school class today...gave me something to think about...*laugh*...however, me being so stubborn in my ways...i dunno, thanks pooky ;P...i know i'm frustrating you over this 'dilemma'...i think i'll give it a few more days...haha, i have better things to do at the moment. communication...communication...communication...it's DEFINITELY a two way street.
3:16 p.m.
Euphemism: substituting a mild, indirect, or vague term for one considered harsh, blunt, or offensive. Ohhhh...friendship go bye bye!! :D Get the message?!?! I did my part, and i don't care if it kills you...you better do something about it...*humph**seething*...i can't write anymore...some ppl just frustrate me...can't you just show that you tried? Once?!?!?! Is it REALLY that hard?!?!!?! *shakes head*...
5:37 p.m.
4 MORE DAYS TO GO...;P...yipee!! *laugh*...yeah, ne ways, things are going pretty smoothly so far...*sigh*...4 MORE DAYS...ahhhh!!!!!! :D Hrmmmm, what do i need to do these next few days? Call pooky...haha...;), personal response (English), poem presentation (English), exam[s] (English), watch Gatsby video (English), finish writing letters, shopping (yes yes...*nodding head*...stress reliever i say ;P), finish writing cover letter, pre-study, bible study, hrmmm, oh ya...and more hwk...lol, well let's see, if we took all those '(English)' ones away i would be just fine right? ;P Well, i SHOULD start and FINISH SOME of my hwk stuff...catcha later~
6:13 p.m.
feeling depressed right now...:(...*sigh* life sucks...and at this time it kinda really does...
10:38 a.m.
*ahhhh*...*sniff sniff*...it's the weekend again! :P I told you i was going to live for the weekends. *sigh*...such a busy week...hwk...school...car probs...mean teacher...I don't know if it is me...or does my summer school teacher really mean? I dunno...i can definitely say that i do better during the school year in English...blah...summer school is not for me...ah-ah-ah (weird laugh i guess)...and guess who's graduating next year? ah-ah-ah...moi...that's right...parents can't force me to go to summer school even if they wanted to ;P Wanted to go to the shopping mall today, get a break from all the school stuff...oh well...but i should go to the postal office soon...got letters to sent to ppl! I need a job!! Hrmmm...should call Christal sometime to ask for the fax no. and manager's name for sm2. *smiles*...i was able to babysit one of my next door neighbor's daughter yesterday...she is sooo cute! Such big blue eyes. Teehee...at least i can get some cash flow from this job...not bad though i might add...and the kids i babysit on my street are cute and sweet, so i don't mind babysitting them. Yes yes...10% to tithing...;P Ohhh...you know what might be exciting this coming August?!? Worshipfest!!! Avalon, Newsboys, Plus One, Aaron Spiro, Tree 63, and so many other artists are going to be there...i spoke to Monica...and her parents said okie! So that will be a pretty cool event to go to with her...and apparently there's a special deal going on where you can pay the price of one ticket and get two! So yeah...i gotta get the tickets before July 31...hrmmm $35...should start saving right now...JAM is tom. as is practice...so early! :P But i do appreciate the gesture to do it on Sat., since i was the only one who couldn't go to a practice during the weekdays. So yeah...i'll TRY to wake up early to go...should be fun. BTW...i'm trying to prolong the fact that i have to work on my ISU soon...ai ya...so dead...starting to detest English. P.S- i need to do some exercise soon...gonna get fat...haha...when is the world cup gonna start eh? Anyways, this is Benita, saying goodbye...so long.
8:30 p.m.
*wow*...the weekend is like over...*letting this settle into my head*...*wahhhhhh!!!!!**sob sob*...*sigh*, time to face school once more...hwk...mean teacher...stuffy, hot, humid, sticky, sweaty, small room...ISU...books...essays...grammar...ecetera ecetera. :P...i hate being rushed when doing things...i'm better when i actually have TIME to do my stuff well. :P...yeah...STILL doing hwk...blah...b-o-r-i-n-g... You know what? Time goes by really really fast...sometimes i do find that i waste time...and that it kinda bugs me...God only gave me so much time on Earth...how will i spend it? :P Yes...sometimes i enjoy indulging myself...cuz you can't live life with only work, you gotta have some fun too...haha...this didn't come from me...:P...it came from my dad. *peals of laughter*...and to think that sometimes my parents think that i don't listen to them when they sometimes talk to me...;P selective hearing i say. But no...i DO listen to what my parents say...i just find it hard to sometimes act on it...so yeah...sunday school is over...wanted to play softball and have some fun...but don't think i will be able to...too many in-between things going on. Hopefully i can watch a few games though. I can't wait to see my cousins... I connect SO well with Dee. I find that i can actually talk to her about ANYTHING...cuz she's like on the same spiritual maturity level as me...:P prolly even higher...i dunno...i just find our talks so meaningful to me...concerning spirituality stuff...school...boys, anything. Same as Tiff...although she's a bit older...and i don't get a chance to talk to her quite as often...haha...except we wrote some msg's while she was still in school...*laugh*...time zones...teehee...those were fun. I wonder if ppl here can do that also during uni (class hours that is)? *laugh*...they prolly could...:P...i just hardly go online anymore...msn...icq...no more yahoo either. I find it...i dunno...the fascination has worn off. Although i was VERY VERY excited about it in the beginning...about msn, when i got it...haha...so i could talk to *ahem*...bleh...boys...will still continue to confuse me...just how much can ppl change over a course of a year? Mabbe because we hardly kept in touch...but we weren't very far from each other...man...if i wanted...i could've driven down there in less than an hour...*silent sob*...'he' will always be in my heart...no matter what...i can't help it...i have already given a piece of my heart to him already...i really want to talk to him...but either i am too lazy...or i want HIM to initiate it first. But i have learned from my mistakes...and still now...i am pretty sure...at least i think i am...that i am content to just have God...after all...He is all i need right? :P Enough...no more thinking of boys...think school, school, school...have to do well in school.
2:36 p.m.
*wow*...i don't know when there was ever a time that i have ever looked forward to the weekend so much...WOW...WOW...WOW...everybody...it's the weekend!!!!! *sigh of relief*...i survived my FIRST week of summer school...yeah yeah...mabbe total exaggeration to you...but YOU don't know what kind of class I was in...wow...i can't believe it's the weekend...*staring into space*. Ha-ha...now onto my major overload of hwk. Now...what to do on the weekend...hwk hwk hwk...w/ a little mix of singing rehearsal for JAM...a little girls night out at the Lai's home...church...last day of sunday school...hwk hwk hwk...*laugh* i am seriously going to feel so ooo relieved after i finish summer school...and to tell you the truth...i have never complained so much about something that i have only started doing for a week. ;P...don't worry...i'm not usually this whiny...:P, i just enjoy venting out my feelings. *sigh*...i swear somebody should create like a 'know what your teenager is thinking' book, for Christians i hope...sometimes my parents assume things too much...*sigh*...me...i don't bother to speak out anymore...just like to keep silent and let them keep on babbling on...*sigh* parents parents...what can i do? Anyways, enough about that subject. Ai ya...i can't think at the moment...haha...my mind has gone into relaxation mode. Mabbe i'll write a little more later on...dunno...don't really feel like it though...too lazy...haha...besides, my computers kinda slow anyways...toodleloo...until we meet again...
10:31 p.m.
*sigh*...my first day of summer school...comment: utter torture...why, why, oh WHY? WHAT did i get myself into? *ack*...too stuffy, too hot, too much work, too sticky (skin), ma-ma day teacher, strict teacher, 'dry' books, too much homework, too many tests, too many quizzes, too little time, one big ISU, two days of exams...ahhhhhHHHHHHH!!!!!!! Just stuff me in a hole already...*grumble* *big sigh*...oh well, at least i know SOME ppl in my class...haha...like 7...insane really...*sigh*...*starting to whine*...can't i work? Haha, betcha that work is better...*sigh*...feeling depressed...not that many bright things to say today...boring boring boring...boring boring boring...i could go on forever like this. Did i ever say that i absolutely dislike...greatly dislike ever EVER being rushed when doing things?!?! Yeesh...they should call this the rush hour zone...haha...need some humour here or else i will never get out of this pithole...Jackie Chan...Rush Hour...Ha-Ha...*sigh*...na/ Bruce Lee is much better...;P...always. NE ways, not much to say...things aren't exactly 'beautiful and full of sunshine' at the moment...but i'll live...always do...haha...wouldn't be able to die yet...i don't know what God wants me to do yet for Him...:) have to see what are His plans...so yeah...adios~
10:14 p.m.
*ahhhhh*...another productive week...;P...yuppers...so...what did i do this week? Hrmmm...had some fun downtown on Canada Day...hehe...got a braid done in my hair for free! Haha...i didn't even notice it until later that the lady had braided the colours red and white into my hair...:P...Canada day...yeah...ANYWAYS...what else did i do? Oh yes...can't forget about my G1 thing...*sigh of relief*...laugh/ i finally got it done! FINALLY! Yeesh...if i had known it was this easy i would have done it AGES ago...oh well;P. Haha...decided to be a bit adventurous on Weds. & Thurs....so i bussed by MYSELF...pffftt:P yeah yeah...and yeah...i bussed to rideau...had some fun shopping around for OTHER ppl...*sniff sniff*...:P i hardly shop for myself now...teehee...except when i'm with mom...:P...i wonder if it is because of the credit card!??!?! Haha...j/k j/k...Hrmmm...what else? Oh yea...Monica came over on Weds. afternoon...hehe...AND since she hadn't watched Lara Croft: Tomb Raider before...i *ahem*...with no support from my little bro...decided to watch the movie...:P, even though i have watched it like 5 times before...but but BuT...i like her! ;P She's like the girl version...*correction*...woman's version of James Bond:D Then Andrea came over for a sleepover on Friday...teehee...came really EARLY!...*laugh*...apparently they had like rung the doorbell 50x and i didn't even hear it! And apparently there was some door banging too..*oops!*...guess i slept in a little too much...;P...oh well...i answered the door eventually...haha...needed the phone to ring first...;P...*shhhh**whisper*...nobody actually knows this...*laugh*...but i answered the door in my pj's *exclamate*...i have NEVER...i repeat, NEVER done that before...:P...but since i knew that it was Andrea i didn't really care/ :D/ Yuppers...so we ate, ummmm...microwavable lasagna for lunch! Yummy! ;P...then we headed out to Bayshore on the bus...again...*laugh*...public transportation isn't THAT bad...*laugh*...you just gotta be careful of the PEOPLE on the bus, *shudder*...i've seen one too many disturbing sights on buses...*laugh*...but what can you do when you don't exactly have your G2 yet? Teehee...or even started to learn how to drive yet? *sigh*...in time...in time...;P *laugh*...hrmmmm...Sat...*lol*...can't remember too much...slept late the other night *ahem*...morning...lovely thunderstorm....*side note*...i thought it was a really cool sight to be taking in...watching one of God's wonders happen in the sky...the thunderstorm actually seemed...beautiful...wonderous and powerful...just like God. :D /anways...woke up at around 1 the next afternoon...*laugh*...spent some time shopping at Carlingwood mall...yeah...bathing suits AGAIN...yes yes...Andrea was a very nice and patient guest w/ me...teehee...an excellent opionionater...haha...i put my own stamp on that word...:P/ Then we went to Salem Storehouse the Christian store...browsed around there...then went home...prepared to go to the gym night thingy at the Sportsplex...ate takeout pizza from Pizza Hut...Hawaiian ALL THE WAY!!!! *laugh*...i challenge anyone to duel this w/ me...haha...*flexing my muscles*...teehee...might i add that i HAVE and STILL AM using my lil bro's chin up bar...;P...very useful in toning up the muscles...*lol* Gym night was pretty fun...haven't had the chance to play badminton in a long time...not to mention volleyball and soccer...Good exercise...;P....:( no ice-cream for me...*laugh*...yeesh...i thought it was only polite to go to someone's place OnLy if you were invited...*shrug shoulders*...I was invited?!?!? ;P Oh well...next time...Yes...now Sunday....Sunday sermon...check...Sunday school...check...yearbook...check...;P Was able to go to Nate/ Mil's house for a movie thingy...confirmed my ever growing suspicions about my lousy dancing skills....;P...and on softball also...although i think i could improve on both with practice...hehe/ optimistic attitude...hrmmmm...movie...infernal affairs...very VERY confusing movie to follow...i mean...i love the suspense of guessing the twists and stuff...but MAN! was this movie kinda hard to follow! *Haha*...some of the characters looked the same at first and stuff...but i had a good time...i was able to spend some time w/ friends i haven't had a chance to talk to for some time. Anyways...i start stupid summer school tomorrow...did i say stupid? Haha...*ahem*...will not attempt to edit it off...*sigh*...so off i go to school AGAIN for the WHOLE did i mention WHOLE? month of July? "Exeunt"...Hamlet...Hamlet...give me a famous quote from Hamlet...*sigh*...no A/C...new ppl...don't know how lousy the teacher will be...homework...BOOKS!...haha...very funny...don't know if they will even be really interesting...well...i guess that means that i should get to bed soon right? ;P...i'll finish writing this...but i MiGhT actually be still awake! Ah ha! *laugh*...c'mon...give me a break...i need a good laugh before...*snore...zzzzzz* summer school. I still HERE!! *sigh*...yes yes...leaving now...and don't forget...God is ALWAYS watching you...looking down lovingly at His wonderful creation...make Him proud! :)
11:51 p.m.
 Allo~...*yawn*...so sleepy still...yes yes...well guess who's here?!?!!? ANDREA! woah...another crazy sleepover w/ this crazy girl..haha...;P...anyways... to explain the wonderful pic...this is...*drum roll plz*...Charmaine Carrusco! She is an Australian singer...and only 17 yrs old! Andrea and i went to Rebecca St. James tour concert a while ago...she was one of the opening singers...she was so ooo good! OM Gosh! Amazing! Beautiful voice! Teehee...But yeah..i'm not exaggerating...she really has a God-given voice...oh yea...i ALMOST forgot to tell you...she's a Christian singer...yup yup..she's pretty new to the scene...but yeah...she's taking things by the storm. ;P...i didn't know sending parcels throught the mail was so...i mean SO expensive...and i was sending it to ppl locally too! $11 and something in total for only TWO parcels...yeesh...they weren't too heavy were they? I could carry them.:P Ai ya...too much shopping today...went shopping and even more window shopping w/ Andrea...ack...my poor legs...EXERCISE! ha-ha...very funny...:P...remind me not to go shopping again for another eon...oh ya...i need a job= need money...ai ya...say-la...mo-cheen...ahahahahaha...that is so funny...:) Chinese written like English...yeah...anyways...no more writing..gonna take a nap soon...dreaming of still being back in Aussie/;P...surfing on the waves~
4:22 p.m.
Cha-cha-cha-cha-chacha---Cha-cha-cha-cha-chacha...;P...guess what? guess what?!?!? I got my G1!!! *laugh*...FINALLY! Yup yup...btw...thanks joycee-poo for your wonderful help;P...the info really helped me a lot!! *smiles**kiss+hug* I'm actually surprised the test was so easy...well...i had a lot of help...and a lot of guidance also from God too...so thank you very much also God...love you...yea so...i look forward to moving on...*laugh*...in the near future...and hopefully i will be able to get my full license by the time i graduate...give or take a few years...*laugh*...j/k j/k...yeesh...i'm not that bad;P Wow...this week has been kinda exciting actually...i'm actually going out and doing stuff...;P...as if i wasn't doing so already...:) Yup...so i've been bussing (is that even a word? :P prolly why i'm going to summer school eh? Teehee) downtown & visiting Rideau...very cool...ahhh...the taste of an iced cappuicino (:P...i still haven't really tried to find out how to spell that word...will have to sometime...starting to bug me...) ANYWAYS...so yeah...and and and...Andrea's coming over for a sleepover...haha...she's going to get so ooo sick of me...;P...not...*laugh*...i hope not...or else i'll just drive up to Kingston and bug her some more?!?!? Yeah...so that will be pretty cool...hehe...'pretty cool', ;P yeah...ummm...apparently i seem to be really high on the energy tonight...The week after this coming Jeremiah outing should be pretty fun...i suggested to P. Dave that we could (cuz this is ONLY for the girls...;P...although i heard some boys tried it last year....mmmmm...gotta love the mud ;P) do a makeover party thing...and if that doesn't really work out...we can maybe have like and orgami party...:P...i know lots of ppl who can make paper flowers...stars...straw stars...foamy flowers...*laugh*...and i'm pretty sure the list could go on...You know...one of the things i really treasure, is my personal relationship w/ God...He is seriously my best friend...and i definitely love learning from Him each day...cuz each day is a blessing from Him. I just hope that i am listening to Him just as much as i talk to Him. You know, sometimes i find it so hard to live in this world...it is so...so without God...*sigh*...sometimes...a lot of times...i really wonder at Jesus' awesome love for us...that He would actually be willing to die for a wretch like me...;P...you know the song...well, anyways, i just really pray that God will give me the courage to one day...at least...help bring one person to Christ...that would be such an amazing thing to experience...*sigh*...well, i guess i gotta keep living & finding out what God's mission for me is...i still got a lonnggg way to go...i just wanted to write down a bible verse that i read, and i really like it...hehe...so like God to know what to say;P..." The Lord is righteous in all his ways and loving toward all he has made." Psalm 145:17 Nighty night.
12:39 a.m.
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