About Me
My Info Benita L name B, Benni, Bineta, Bea, Ben, Benta aka Twenty age October 15 birthday Christianity belief ask me Extra :*) God, family, friends, reading, soccer, swimming, hanging out with friends, blue, shopping, Bruce Lee ;), watching movies, my MC12 and porche carrera...lol, travelling around the world (;P Aussie) :*( broken promises, bad manners, irresponsibility |
Notes To Ppl
alan mmm...i'm so glad i can share everything w/ u...*smiles* my squishie...u da best :P crys SIC...share highs and lows together...praise God ian my lil bro...u are truly God's blessing to me...i will always love and cherish you forever...peaceout bro =) *hug* joycee-poo bebe...ur the best...i love you nathan thanx for being there when i need you...*laugh* silly gooberhead, glad to know that you'll always be close by =) sares halo my baby!!!...praying for you...when all is gone... scottie letting go...unceasing tide... viv oh frosh...teehee...love chatting w/ u, hanging out w/ u, challenging me...my friend =) |
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Sunday, October 30, 2005
Monday, October 17, 2005
![]() clockwise top left: crys, jeffy, pooky, gooberhead, squishie, joycee-poo and family =) I just finished my 2nd midterm...so i now hv more time to write ^^ *phew* so glad nurs205 midterm is overrr...it was wracking me w/ worries...i guess cuz i didn't really know what to expect on the midterm...and the fact that it was worth so much and i wanted to do well of course! sighhh...lol, i feel like i can kinda breath now...but now other ppl are just starting their midterms =S Sooo...last thurs night there was cg gathering, but i couldn't go cuz i had to study for pathophysio >.< Butbut i'm happy...why? Cuz we were doing this blue-light challenge w/ some other cg's and we won! Haha...hv no idea what we'll do w/ the money tho >_> There are blue-lights all around campus, and they're there for safety of students...so if u feel like ur being threatened or followed or whatever, u push the button at one of these stations and security comes to help u...u can see a blue light fr/ each blue light that ur standing at...neways, the challenge was to get our cg picture w/ as many blue lights around campus...aww, too bad i missed it...sounded fun =P Fri was spent studying...studying and more studying...augh...lol, i spent so many hrs at the lib w/ crys XP. Haha..and i hv discovered french vanilla coffee at timmy's...lol, one day i asked crys to buy my mocha but when i came to drink it, it tasted and smelt diff...i asked her what it was...and she was like...it's mocha...i was like...lol...no! Teehee...but now i hv discovered this wonderful concoction...haha...and i like it! XD Fri night missed ccf =( to study...but was very happy to receive a phone call fr/ my lovely parents ^^ Sat i was supposed to go w/ crys to the doug lib to study...*ahem* we decided to wake up at 9 and get there at 930...lol, i Swear my alarm clock didn't go off >_> Haha...or i just automatically shut it off since it's so annoying =P Lol...so yeah, ended up waking up at 1130...and we didn't head out till bout 1230...GAH, crys was kind enough to plan my bday party...lol, cept we had to move the location like 4 times! BAH...stoopid leafs/habs game that didn't let us make reservations >.< Neways, we all went to stoneys in the end...it was kinda diff fr/ the setting that i kinda wanted...but i was happy b/c most of the ppl that i wanted to come came ^^ Poo that they had to split our tables into 2...lol, i guess 23 ppl are alot to sit together =P Neways, the night went by, and the food was pretty good...muhaha, salmonnn =P And yeah...i knew that joycee-poo and gracie were going to come later...but didn't know when...then when i was happily eating and chatting away at my table...i hear this rush of feet then feel these two HUGE FAT KISSES on my cheeks...lol, i was so shocked i clapped my face! Hahaha...thx girls...lol, no i don't wish they were guys...urs just suited me fine =P There were some pretty hilarious moments...haha, w/ face making across to the other table...lol, *blow kiss back* =) When joycee-poo and gracie came..they came bearing gifts...lol, a paper bag that bottled up something...hahaha, so the boys on my table pass it around and try to guess what it is...lol, it ranged fr/ a bottle of ketchup to a bottle of baileys XD K...the bottle in the bag was plastic, and malleable XD Haha...so john confidently says out loud that he's a pro alcoholic and can guess what's in the bag...haha, he guessed a bottle of smirnoffs? MUHAHA...he pulls it out...and joycee-poo gave me a bottle of SALAD DRESSING...THREE CHEESE RANCH XD haha...oh man, that was hilarious...such a pro-alcholic XD Lol...then towards the end sares couldn't finish her Huge plate of salad XD...so gab kindly offered to finish it for her...lol, then he admits to our table...u know, this is the first time in 5 days that i've eaten vegetation...lol, then he's like...but i still hv bowel mov'ts each day...haha, then he suddenly adds, but they've been more difficult since i hvn't had much vegetation lately...haha, the table bursts out laughing...lol, he's like, they're normal BM's guys...just a little more difficult...haha, then sare's is like...what's normal for u? XD *sigh* oh man...I got free mousse cake for dessert...mmm, mon dieu...c'est beau! Teehee...and i got a free shot of polar bear...k, it was actually good...seriously, no hard stuff...mmm, haha, tasted like mint chocolate =P After that we all headed home...lol, and contrary to what some ppl thought...we didn't go out later that night >_> Haha...it's NERD time right now =P Then called my lil bro...i miss him =S...lol, ai ya, talked for an hr! *sigh* and was kinda mad at hotmail...they didn't send his LONG FAT email to me! GRRR...and he wrote another one to me again right after our phone convo...and it was even longer...but it still didn't send!! SO MAD...WHYYYY...i wanted to read it :( SO MUCH. BAH. Sun was church then went home to study for nurs205...went to joycee poos for dinner...thanks babe..it was good ^^ Lol...got to meet more frosh...heh, i'm so secluded...XP Went home and rents called me...*smiles* so happy rents prayed w/ me over the phone...:):):) i think i just needed to hear it...so comforting. *HUGE SMILE* NURS205 midterm is done...which makes me happy...and prayers got answered!! Teehee...so HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY that two ppl came to my prayer meeting today...sarah and i prayed that ppl would fill the seats...and even tho she didn't come this week...ppl came! *SMILES* u don't know how happy i am...new faces! =D Teehee...and now more practice w/ my prayer skills...*sigh* so happy =P Lol...and the frosh girl that i met w/ today...she said that she would come back again on mon!! YAY!!=D So blessed. I do hope that God continues to move this campus and its ppl...things will happen. Lol...our house has a garbage song now XD Everytime it's time to take out the garbage for garbage day we play "We like to party" -venga boys...lol, and we hv to finish putting out all the garbage b/f the song stops...haha...man, i love the quirky things we do =P PARTY TIME!! Haha...and yeah, i couldn't stand the messiness in the kitchen...lol, i feel like the kitchen has become like my domain...so even tho i had to study for my midterm today...i took the time to clean the kitchen last night...yeah, KITCHEN FREAK. *sigh*...and the kitchen is back to it's usual look now =P...haha, and i'll clean it up again. BLAH...clinical tom...hv to wake up so early >.< lol, i was so embarrassed last time i went...we had an orientation for 4 hrs in a conference rm...and there was a 15min break...i was so tired i slept thru the whole break...the next thing i know, my friend is rubbing my arm and telling me that we're bout to start again...lol, and to my embarrassment i heard the speaker say, can u pls wake up ur friend pls...=='''''...blah, i'm a NIGHT OWL. Neways, i just feel so incredibly blessed to hv close friends and family. Each one of the friends/ family above have influenced me SO much...Well, family...they've been a constant support system for me...encouraging me to be more independent...become more of me...teaching me, giving me advice, loving me even when i make mistakes, being able to just hang out and hv fun w/ them, and for them to help me to grow more into a woman of God. Crys...my sister, one who i confide in, trust, hv fun w/...our rock throwin' sessions, our pact, our accountibility to each other...so much together. Jeffy...this is a guy who will do basically nething for his best friends, such a loving guy who can always put a smile on my face, our NERD mode, dinners together, me being a 'mom' to ur eating habits and health =P, walking me home at night so i don't hv to walk home alone, lol...lang jai XD Pooky...her constant presence, letting me know she cares and always there to listen what's new w/ me...haha...altho i think i lead a pretty boring life =P Gooberhead...my bro, he's influenced me so much in my life...the decisions i make in my life...making me think bout what i should do, giving me advice and direction when i need it, *laughs* our phone convos are hiliarous...i should wake him up more in the mornings XD Just spending time w/ him is fun...always my confidante. Squishie...i uno when there really is a day that i don't talk to him...shared my frustrations, my highs, my life w/ him, lol...he's my soundboard =P Joycee-poo...my sis, my babe, my poopie, SO thankful that God brought us back together again, honestly...i uno where i would be if she hasn't been here to kick me in the butt and open myself up to the oppurtunities and blessings God has given me today...ever grateful...thankyouthankyou, our talks and stuff are really precious to me...i love her so much. *How precious is your unfailing love, O God! All humanity finds shelter in the shadow of your wings. Psalm 36:7 NLT *God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God. Romans 8:28 NLT ****God is good...there is none like You***** Saturday, October 15, 2005
![]() ma housies: val, carolyn, crys, steph, and me ![]() haha...hving fun on the stairs =P ![]() lol...we hv too much fun in this house XD ![]() =P my housies again at stoneys for my bday ![]() friends that came tonight...ps- joycee and gracie did come...but didn't get a chance to take pics w/ them...tom! =P Mmm...it's been a pretty good week i guess...thanksgiving wkend was spent w/ family back home...which is always lovely ^^...and seeing ppl back at home also =P Haha...i think it was a lil bit too relaxing tho =P Then basically hardcore studying for pathophysio on fri...that's done...now need to study for nurs205 on mon!! SO SCREWED...heh. So...another yr has gone by...and what do i hv to say bout it. I've grown...alot...spiritually and emotionally...haha, and hopefully cognitively =P After experiencing a yr at queens...i've been shown what the power of God can do on campus and in me. It has solidified His Presence in my life...how much i need to put Him first...always. Miracles do happen, blessings do occur, lessons are learned, tests are performed and passed...God is amazing...and i'm so glad i can call him Abba. It just amazes me how much i can tell Him...how much He knows...how much He loves me. Lol...somebody loves me! =P As a character...i've become more firm in my beliefs and hv become more emboldened (pardon the big words =P) to go out and spread the gospel...thanks for the kick in the butt joycee...and questioning me in my doubts gooberhead =) My new cg focuses alot on unity and prayer...i hope that they do happen...and that God will make things happen in our grp =) I sorta know where i wanna go in my life now...what i want to do/ achieve/ accomplish...what i should do...what i kinda want to do...=P "Seek first the kingdom of God and all these things shall be given to you" I love that verse...joycee really solidified that one into my brain last yr...fankew babe =) I actually like what i'm learning now...it's more indepth and interesting...yay =P Wonder what kind of plans He has for me this yr...all in His hands. Praying with Faith-- Genesis 18:1-33 (1) God goes out of His way to move the FAITHFUL to PRAY: moves in hearts to move in a big way, visit his tents...talk about Sodom and Gemorrah, pray (a) the faithful are CHOSEN for a relationship: vers 18-19 (b) the faithful are committed to righteousness: vers19, teaches ways of the Lord to his family and tribe, not--> faithful but not leading family to God, James 5:16 (2) God moves the faithful to pray through SITUATIONS that move their HEARTS: sin of Sodom--> not living there, not help but to pray (3) God moves the faithful to pray so they will move CLOSER to HIM: moving Abraham closer to Him, move closer spiritually, be direct but show great respect (a) we gain a better understanding of God's JUSTICE: sweep away the righeious w/ the wicked? God has the right to judge things and He will judge things right (b) we gain a better understanding of God's GRACE: process of pouring out our heart, God's goodness and grace is bigger than we could ever imagine, wanted us to understand God's heart, prayer chnages us, move closer to His heart Beyond what eyes can see...love is a powerful feeling...it makes u and breaks u...the love fr/ above is pure...down here is up to one's discretion...it causes happiness and joy...it causes pain and anguish...it overflows...it can be bottled up...lovelovelove..what a beautiful thing He has created...in Your arms Abba...seeing the unseen *Can anything ever separate us from Christ's love? Does it mean he no longer loves us if we have trouble or calamity?...I am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from his love. Romans 8:35, 38 NLT *This is real love. It is not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as a sacrifice to take away our sins. 1 John 4:10 NLT *Don't get tired of doing what is good. Don't get discouraged and give up, for we will reap a harvest of blessing at the appropriate time. Galatians 6:9 NLT *God did not send his Son into the world to condemn it, but to save it. John 3:17 NLT *When you bow down before the Lord and admit your dependence on him, he will lift you up and give you honor. James 4:10 NLT *I will lie down in peace and sleep, for you alone, O Lord, will keep me safe. Psalm 4:8 NLT *You must worship...only the LORD, for he is a God who is passionate about his relationship with you. Exodus 34:14 NLT *The LORD is wonderfully good to those who wait for him. Lamentations 3:25 NLT *May you experience the love of Christ...Then you will be filled with the fullness of life and power that comes from God. Ephesians 3:19 NLT *He will shield you with his wings. He will shelter you with his feathers. His faithful promises are your armor and your protection. Psalm 91:4 NLT *I waited patiently for the LORD to help me, and he turned to me and heard my cry. Psalm 40:1 NLT *****I LOVE YOU ABBA***** Tuesday, October 04, 2005
![]() @ the brass for valsha's 19th bday (clockwise l-r: john, gab, mich, jarvis, matt, terry, glo, crys, alicia, steph, val, me, carolyn, craig, pat and joshy) ![]() my housies steph and valsha =) ![]() my other housies carolyn and crys =) *wow* been almost a mth since i wrote here O.o...kaka. Well...let's see...updates...school! Lol...well, classes hv been alright so far...some classes are more interesting and easier than others...obviously. Labs are exciting...being able to put things into practice. Reading load is heavier as anticipated...want to actually totally understand the material and stuff...lol, not that i didn't want to either last yr =P Most of my profs are pretty good...u can see that they actually put the extra effort into helping us know the info. Pathophysio is my largest class this semester...mmm, in it w/ other 3rd yr lifesci's...=P i'm sure they know most of the stuff already...lol, as taken fr/ the profs..."as you learned fr/ last yr...this should be review"...huh?? XP Spanish has been a lil more work than i thought...lol, say things w/ more spanish thinking than w/ french thinking brings an interesting twist...lol, relying alot on my french =P Yay...clinicals start next week ^^ Teehee...looking forward to it. Haven't gone out too much since school started...need to go to the lake sometime soon...midterms coming up O.o. We've had some ppl come over for dinner...yay, invited my froshie over for dinner ^^ Lol...payback time now eh? =P Hv had joycee, kev y, jeff l, fi, pooky, carmen, jeffy, howie, bL, gracie over so far...prlly a few more ppl...forgot by now XP...srry. I think when val and steph invite other ppl fr/ 311 i'll invite some ppl fr/ there also...*smiles* i love cooking! Haha...most ppl hv liked my food so far...lol, they hvn't gotten sick yet...=P Food basics is my new fav store...lol, i go there almost every wk now >_>...woah, gotta budget man. Val's bday was fun...went to the brass w/ other ccf ppl =) *sniff sniff* my big butt is older than me now...lol XD Went over to pooky's house for her bday...mmm, icecream cake...*drools*. Shira's bday was also this mth..woah, so many bdays...the cake that her mom made was so amazing...lol, i'm sure she made a fuss bout it when she brought it over...Homecoming was pretty fun...annual celebrations...nikki came fr/ mcgill to visit...so got together w/ my hs friends here to go out and hang out ^^ Lol...so sad how some places i don't even know exist in ktown even tho i study here =P Bev's bday is coming up this weds...same as Loz's in aussie...wow...miss aussie ppl so insanely much...sigh, God's blessing that i will always cherish =) Gah...and squishie and alfalfa head's bday is this wkend also O.o. Haha...squishie...i think i know what i'm going to give u...lol, i think =P Really thankful for my housemates and friends here...they've really made me grow up even in this mth...the insightful teachings and time just spent together...always gd to hv =) I uno where i would be w/out crys...sigh, sis for life =) Joycee-poo has been a beacon of light to me...giving me the push when i need it...guiding me into the open waters...but always letting me know that ur always there...feel better babe. Jeffy...*smiles* i'm going to punch him...lol, playfully =P Silver wok again!? XD Ma baby...the things she goes thru...it's like examining some of the things that i faced last yr...turn to Him, when all hope is gone. Squishieee...ur FAT...hahaha...can't wait to see u again when i come back home =) Ccf here has been good so far...in mich and mike's MaGmA grp...lol, our skit...sigh, yeah =) Hope that prayer does become the centre of our life...that it might embolden us to do great things for Him. Prayer meetings hv been going alright so far...lol, pray that more ppl will come...fill the seats..there are 15 chairs! Lol...sarah and i counted them =P Notes fr/ a sermon =) Faith for the big tests in life...Genesis 22:1-19 (1) God tests even those who TRUST Him: God tested Abraham, James 1:2-3 (2) God tests us by calling us to OBEY when it seems UNREASONABLE: God gives us tests according to own maturity of faith (3) God's tests reveal the TRUTH about our HEARTS: now i know that you fear God -->Tests of faith reveal...(a) our LOVE for God- love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, strenght, (b) our FEAR of God- rever God, respect His command, (c) our TRUST in God- wants to know and show how much he trusts in God (4) God's tests prepare us for HIS BLESSINGS: vers 15-19 *smiles* learning to take each step w/ faith...we plod on knowing that the war has already been won, the race has been finished... Extra pt wanted to add...friend wrote in his blog bout being satisfied w/ our walk w/ God? It's an interesting pt...we strive for satisfaction in Him...we all desire it...He completes us...noone else knows us like the one who knitted us in our mother's womb...who is All Powerful. I believe that i can be satified in Him...am i satified where i am right now? Mmm...would prlly say no...i think there's so much more i can do for Him...need to follow Him...even thru the trials and obstacles put in my way. With Him all things are possible. Faith, trust, hope, love. =) *As we know Jesus better, his divine power gives us everything we need for living a godly life. 2 Peter 1:3 NLT *God will supply all your needs from his glorious riches, which have been given to us in Christ Jesus Philippians 4:19 NLT *Live in harmony with each other. Don't try to act important, but enjoy the company of ordinary people. And don't think you know it all! Romans 12:16 NLT *If one person falls, the other can reach out and help. But people who are alone when they fall are in real trouble. Ecclesiastes 4:10 NLT *No matter what happens, always be thankful, for this is God's will for you who belong to Christ Jesus. 1 Thessalonians 5:18 NLT *So get rid of all malicious behavior and deceit. Don't just pretend to be good! Be done with hypocrisy and jealousy and backstabbing. 1 Peter 2:1 NLT *Let us not neglect our meeting together, as some people do, but encourage and warn each other, especially now that the day of his coming back again is drawing near. Hebrews 10:25 NLT *God has reserved a priceless inheritance for his children. It is kept in heaven for you, pure and undefiled, beyond the reach of change and decay. 1 Peter 1:4 NLT *Anyone who becomes as humble as this little child is the greatest in the Kingdom. Matthew 18:4 NLT *He saved us, not because of the good things we did, but because of his mercy. He washed away our sins and gave us a new life through the Holy Spirit. Titus 3:5 NLT *I know, my God, that you examine our hearts and rejoice when you find integrity there. 1 Chronicles 29:17 NLT *The LORD is close to all who call on him, yes, to all who call on him sincerely. Psalm 145:18 NLT *I am but a foreigner here on earth; I need the guidance of your commands. Psalm 119:19 NLT *Blessed are those who trust in the LORD and have made the LORD their hope and confidence. They are like trees planted along a riverbank. Jeremiah 17:7-8 NLT *How we thank God, who gives us victory over sin and death through Jesus Christ our Lord 1 Corinthians 15:57 NLT *He has sent me to proclaim that captives will be released, that the blind will see, that the downtrodden will be freed from their oppressors, and that the time of the Lord's favor has come. Luke 4:18 NLT *I refresh the humble and give new courage to those with repentant hearts. Isaiah 57:15 NLT *****Humbly i come before You...You are sufficient...in You alone i am satified***** ![]()
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